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Suitable for 12 years or older, but under 18s must be with an adult. This is virtually identical to the 12 certificate, in that we'll have some adult-themed storylines, but no real meat or detail. No scary bits, but some language and maybe a bit of skin.

Examples: Die Another Day, Lord Of The Rings

La clasificación cinematográfica de mi vida. Más allá de todo, creo que es adecuado: para aquellos entre 12 y 18 puede no ser adecuado; para los más grandes, todo bien. Me gusta eso de compararme con James Bond y/o el Señor de los Anillos :D

1 comentario

Che -

Me salió 15:

Suitable for 15 years or older. Films in this category can be about anything, say 'fuck' a lot, probably get to see all sorts of guns and shooting, but no open heart surgery with a knife. Most 'R' rated films in America fit into this category.

Examples: Alien, The Sixth Sense